Reno, Nevada – Big changes are on the way for high school football in Nevada as the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association has approved a new realignment and playoff structure for Class 5A and 4A football. The decision was made during a lengthy Board of Control meeting in Reno that lasted over eight hours.
The new alignment will take effect in the fall and is set to remain in place for three seasons. One of the most notable changes is the reduction of state championship games from seven to six. This new format introduces an Open Division championship that will showcase the top 5A teams, allowing for more competitive matchups.
Previously, Class 5A was divided into three divisions for the last two seasons, but with the new setup, the playoff structure will focus on rankings rather than geographic separation. A rating system that combines a team’s MaxPreps rankings, NIAA rubric points, and Harbin points will help determine which teams qualify for the playoffs. In particular, the Open Division will feature the top four rated 5A teams, while the next eight highest-rated 5A teams will compete for the traditional 5A championship. The best eight teams in the 4A division will also vie for the 4A championship.
This year, the Southern Region for Class 5A includes 18 teams while the Southern Region for Class 4A comprises 19 teams. Both the Northern Regions for 5A and 4A will include just six teams each. Each classification will be organized into leagues primarily based on geography, with 5A and 4A Southern teams placed into three leagues of six, while one 4A league will feature seven teams.
Leading up to the playoffs, a seeding committee may be implemented to help manage travel considerations for Northern and Southern teams. Notably, there will be no region playoffs for either the 5A or 4A classifications.
The realigned structure aims to enhance competition and provide more exciting football for players and fans across Nevada, with a stronger focus on performance and team rankings during postseason play.