"Football Field Under Sun"

High Schools in Central Ohio Adjust Football Game Start Times Due to Extreme Heat

Columbus, Ohio – With the soaring temperatures impacting the area, several high schools in central Ohio have decided to shift the start times for their football games this week. Typically, most high school football matchups kick off at 7 p.m., but in response to the brutal heat, some games have been postponed until 8 p.m.

As of Wednesday afternoon, four schools have officially announced these delayed start times. The games affected by the change include those that were originally scheduled to begin at a cooler time. With summer’s grip still holding tight, it’s crucial to monitor these adjustments as more schools may follow suit in light of the severe weather.

The region has been experiencing extreme heat, with the heat index soaring past 100 degrees on Tuesday and continuing to remain high on Wednesday. Forecasts suggest that temperatures will still be around 99 degrees on Thursday and Friday. The combination of high temperatures and humidity can make it particularly challenging for players and spectators alike, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Health officials emphasize the need for everyone involved to take the necessary precautions. Proper hydration is key, and it’s vital to drink water before, during, and after any outdoor activities, including watching or playing the game.

As the high school football season kicks off, safety takes the priority. This is a reminder to stay cool and follow the updates as schools continue to navigate through this hot weather.