Empty football field

Tragedy Strikes Selma as Morgan Academy Quarterback Caden Tellier Passes Away After Game Injury

In Selma, the community is mourning the tragic loss of Caden Tellier, the quarterback for Morgan Academy. Caden passed away on Saturday after suffering a severe brain injury during a home football game on Friday night, his family confirmed through social media.

Caden’s parents, Arsella Slagel Tellier and Jamie Tellier, shared the heartbreaking news on Facebook Saturday evening, writing, “Our boy, Caden Tellier has met Jesus face to face.” They expressed gratitude for the outpouring of prayers and support, stating, “We covet them for the hard days ahead.” Caden was remembered for his kindness, generosity, and love, with his family emphasizing that even in death, he would continue to give to others. “Lives have been touched by the way he lived and now lives will be saved through his passing.

The injury occurred during the third quarter of the game against Southern Academy, prompting an airlift to a hospital in Birmingham. There were initial reports of his death, which created some confusion. Micheal McLendon, director of the Alabama Independent Schools Association, first posted that Caden had died, only to later clarify that he was in critical condition.

In light of this tragedy, Morgan Academy announced that all school activities would be suspended in the coming week. Plans for a memorial service for Caden will be made in the near future, as the community continues to grieve the loss of a young athlete whose life touched many.