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Local College Football Player Faces Tough Recovery After Severe Injury During Practice

Temecula, California – A local college football player is facing a challenging recovery journey after suffering a severe injury during practice. Jason Pugal, a 20-year-old junior safety, recently transferred from Palomar College in San Diego to Chadron State College in Nebraska. Unfortunately, during a scrimmage game, he collided with a receiver which resulted in a fracturing of his C-6 vertebra, leading to instant paralysis.

“Our hearts are very heavy, and we’re all trying to remain as hopeful and faithful as our son is, because he is quite a remarkable individual,” said Mark Pugal, Jason’s father. As the oldest of five brothers, Jason was well-known for his football talents, earning recognition during his time at Great Oak High School in Temecula.

His brother, Kyle Pugal, reflected on the special bond they shared through football, stating, “In high school, being able to walk into the battlefield with your brothers is an experience that not many get to get.” Despite the seriousness of his injury, Jason is staying positive and continues to inspire his family. “I know that he is staying super strong, and he’s affirming he is going to walk again,” Mark added.

After the injury, Jason was flown to Rapid City, South Dakota for emergency surgery. His family, including his mother and his wife of one year, stayed by his side throughout the ordeal. “Since the surgery now, he has a little more range of motion in his underbody,” explained his father. While Jason still cannot feel from the chest down, he has regained some feeling in his left hand.

The Pugal family is now working to bring Jason home to California for rehabilitation. They have launched a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the $28,000 needed for his transport. “We’re just hoping and praying that we are able to get him over to San Diego or Southern California to where we can begin his road to rehab,” said Mark. Chadron State College has committed to honoring Jason’s football scholarship even if he cannot return to play.

Jason’s family is finding strength in their faith and the support of their community. “Even though his body is broken, we are inspired his spirit is strong,” Mark shared. The Pugal family continues to stay hopeful as they take on the next steps in Jason’s recovery.